"I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library" - Jorge Luis Borges

Friday, November 29, 2019

Reading: CODING CAPERS: LUCI AND THE MISSING ROBOT - Angela Cleveland & Tamara Zentic (authors), Juan Manuel Moreno (illustrator)

Luci and her friends are into science; really into science. They're smart kids with a passion for technology who are readily on-board when they get to school one day ... and are told by their science teacher that her robot is missing! Using coding terminology and their combined knowledge of computer science to solve various clues they are given, the three kids form one of several teams challenged to play a sort of scavenger hunt through the school in search of the missing robot - the reward for the winning team being no less than each member receiving his or her own robot to keep! This children's book is a quick, fun, easy read that should appeal to kids not even into computers or science - while at the same time potentially creating such an interest in those who do read it, as coding and computers here are seen through the eyes of students who understand what technology can do to help both people and the planet. Good messages here that never come across as messages, but rather as a genuinely enjoyable mystery that brings what - for some - may be a hard-to-understand subject down to a readily-understandable level, while also being fun.  3.5/5 stars

Note: I received a free ARC of this title from NetGalley and the publisher, in exchange for an honest review.

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