"I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library" - Jorge Luis Borges

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Reading: CHEER UP! LOVE AND POMPOMS - Crystal Frasier (author), Val Wise (illustrator)

1st line:  "You can't trust her, Mom!"

Prose (Story, via Goodreads): Annie is a smart, antisocal lesbian starting her senior year of high school who's under pressure to join the cheerleader squad to make friends and round out her college applications. Her former friend Bebe is a people-pleaser - a trans girl who must keep her parents happy with her grades and social life to keep their support of her transition. Through the rigors of squad training and amped up social pressures (not to mention micro aggressions and other queer youth problems), the two girls rekindle a friendship they thought they'd lost and discover there may be other, sweeter feelings springing up between them.

Don's (Review): Rude, crude, and socially unacceptable, I fell for Annie from the start; she knows herself, apologizes for none of it, and is fiercely independent (even if she has zero people skills). Bebe just wants to please everyone and not make waves, but her squad often thrusts her into the limelight - most notably by making her squad leader as the book opens - and once back together as friends both Annie and Bebe find they have a lot to learn from each other. Cheer Up! is a funny, sweet, more deeply-felt-than-you'd-expect light romance about accepting and being yourself first, regardless of those around you. The trans rep is terrific; even if Bebe seems a bit wishy-washy at first, you quickly understand this is all new to her, too, and how she grows as she feels her way through the process is wonderful. While her parents and friends and school seem very accepting of her coming out as trans at first, there are subtle hints dropped in that it's an adjustment for everyone ... but one worth it because of Bebe. If I had a complaint about this charming graphic novel - illustrated more like an animated series on Fox by the talented Val Wise - it's that I wish it were longer; took more time to flesh out the other girls on the squad or even Bebe's parents and Annie's mom (who is a hoot), or maybe added a bit more depth to the storyline, even to the point of setting up a sequel. But hey, look at it this way: I say that because I like Annie and Bebe and this world so much, I'd love to see more of it! 4.5/5 stars

NOTE: I received a free ARC of this title from NetGalley and the publisher, in exchange for an honest review.

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