"I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library" - Jorge Luis Borges

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Year: 2018
Rated: PG
Director: Aaron Horvath & Peter Rida Michail
It's 2018 and if you're a superhero you know you've arrived when Hollywood makes a movie telling your story; depicting your greatest battles against the world's worst arch-villains, where after nearly being destroyed you manage to come out victorious. For the Teen Titans however, not so much. Sure, they fight crime often with both sarcasm and a song in their hearts, but have remained largely unnoticed because they are a rag-tag band of sidekicks and second-tier heroes who have no ongoing story fighting an arch-villain of their own. But when Robin, particularly tired of being seen only as Batman's sidekick, learns that even Alfred - Bruce Wayne's butler - Batman's utility belt, and even the Batmobile are all getting their own movies(!), the Teen Titans head for Hollywood with plans to catch the eye of the biggest superhero film director working today. There, they will be challenged by their Deadpool-like nemesis Slade, as well as have their friendships tested in a way that may break up the Titans for good! Based on the snarky, funny animated series, the Teen Titans transfer well to the big screen here, with enough pop culture references/humor for the adults while keeping kids equally entertained. For fans of the series especially.  7/10 stars

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