"I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library" - Jorge Luis Borges

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

TRINITY (2016-) VOL. 1: BETTER TOGETHER (REBIRTH) - Francis Manapul

Though by no means an expert on graphic novels or comics - my interest in them (other than childhood) has only, in fact, developed within the last couple years - I've been reviewing a number of both on this blog and elsewhere in recent months ... and have to say, Trinity Vol. 1: Better Together puts even the best of them to shame.  Part of DC's Rebirth series, writer/artist/genius Francis Manapul (working with other incredible artists) is behind the six issues compiled here of the Trinity storyline, in which Batman and Wonder Woman, along with an older and wiser Superman, must learn to trust each other and come together as a team if they are to defeat one of their most unique foes - one who burrows into the deepest secrets of their souls in order to utilize both their fears and weaknesses.  Everything about this series is stellar: the artwork, writing, characters, story arcs - engaging from first page to last, and first-class work worthy of arguably the three most iconic characters in comic history.  Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman are all given equal star-status time here, each shown in his or her best light and with backstories that flesh them out as human - and humane - more than ever.  Add to all this a deeply satisfying and surprisingly poignant ending, and it all only serves to remind the reader of just how well-crafted this series is; afterward you're left with the sensation of not wanting to leave the characters, but instead follow them to their next adventure - something I'd only before experienced in my most favorite of novels.  Truly brilliant, and a must-read for fans of any of the characters involved - this is the kind of graphic novel that can turn a non-fan, one whose never even read a comic book, into a certified addict of the genre.  Kudos, DC and Mr. Manapul!  5/5 stars

Note: I received a free ARC of this title via NetGalley and the publisher, in exchange for an honest review.

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