"I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library" - Jorge Luis Borges

Thursday, December 3, 2015

BANGKOK 8 - John Burdett

A unique mystery-thriller unlike anything I have ever read, Bangkok 8 is the first of a series starring Royal Thai Police Detective Sonchai Jitpleecheep, who in the opener is following, with his cop partner Pichai, a shady American marine sergeant in Bangkok, when the marine is - right in front of them, in a car bolted shut - slaughtered by a nasty nest of cobras trapped with him in his Mercedes.  When Pichai is also killed in the ensuing chaos, Sonchai - a devout Buddhist arhat - makes it his life's mission to not only find out what happened, but to himself kill Pichai's murderer to avenge his partner's death.  But the deeper Sonchai digs, even with the help of attractive FBI agent Kimberley Jones, the more the increasingly twisted trail seems to lead toward an American jeweler with untold wealth and influence - influence that extends even over Sonchai's own superiors in the police force.  As said, I have never read a novel like Bangkok 8; never read a piece of fiction that so solidified in me the essence of a people, culture, way of life - even religion - as this novel does of Thailand, tying it all into not just Sonchai and those he encounters and where he goes, but even the mystery itself.  It's a book that makes you think deeply, yet also has touches of dark humor and plenty of thrills; even conversations between characters, at length, never come off boring or as filler, as the characters are so exceptionally well-drawn - what they have to say so revealing of them or the story - you must read word for word.  Sorry for the gushing, but yet again: have simply never read anything like Bangkok 8.  And I certainly can't remember when I was last so absorbed in a book that, while reading it, I completely forgot about the real world surrounding me.  *****

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